Melting Pot of Honey

San Felipe Melting Pot of Honey is a cooperative formed by various members of the village of San Felipe in the Orange walk District.  The cooperative began with a program implemented by BEST. The projects aim was to create an enterprise that could assist in the improvement of the standard of living of its members while promoting the sustainable apiculture business producing high quality honey products. In 2016 that the cooperative started to harvest honey in comercial scale. The group functions similarly to a cooperative and shares the tasks and profits between all active members.

At the present time the group has five apiaries with ninety- three boxes that are producing honey. There are a total of seventeen members of which, seven are females and ten are males. There long term aim is to expand their production and  market and to become a profit making sustainable business enterprise. Melting Pot of Honey product are distributed by the cooperative Members and the Belize Marketing & Development Corporation.

#23 Lover’s Lane
Orange Walk Town
Tel: 302-1581